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14 Habits of People Who Are Incredibly Liked by Others

14 Habits of People Who Are Incredibly Liked by Others

Why is it that some people are liked by everyone without any effort? And others, despite their efforts, never manage to win the favor of others.

Napoleon Hill, the author of the popular bestseller “Think and Grow Rich”, in one of his essays described the habits of people who are simply  adored by others.

As an example of such an outstanding person, Hill turned to the personality of Charles Schwab, an industrial magnate in the field of steel production. Thanks to his extraordinary personality, Schwab managed to pave the way from a simple laborer to an executive with an annual salary of 75,000 dollars and regular bonuses in the form of sums with six zeros (astronomical figures for the time).

Schwab’s boss, the famous entrepreneur Andrew Carnegie, said of his subordinate’s work: “The annual salary paid Schwab for the work he did himself, and the million-dollar bonuses were rewards for what Schwab, thanks to his outstanding personality, made others do”.

Here’s a list of 14 habits described by Hill that people with outstanding personalities possess that compel others to follow us:

  1. They create a positive mental attitude and energize those around them. It’s always easier to be cynical and pessimistic. But with such an attitude it is not easy to succeed and gain a good reputation. A positive attitude, on the contrary, significantly contributes to the achievement of these goals.
  2. They always talk in a respectful, friendly tone. Such people are always confident in what they say. Therefore, their speech is calm and deliberate, which makes it sound pleasant.
  3. They listen attentively to their interlocutors. Communicating in an arrogant, instructive manner is a great way to satisfy one’s ego, but it is a failure for those who want to please their interlocutors and establish friendships.
  4. They know how to keep their composure in any situation. Overly emotional reactions, both positive and negative, can create a bad impression of a person. Remember that often silence can be much more effective to convey information to the interlocutor than words filled with negative emotions.
  5. They are calm. The appropriateness of words and actions is one of the most important qualities that people love and for which they respect others.
  6. They are open-minded and open-minded. People who are closed to new ideas and maintain relationships only with like-minded people miss out on not only personal development, but also the opportunity for professional growth.
  7. They smile when talking to others. Hill claims that American President Franklin Roosevelt’s most prized possession was his magnificent million-dollar smile. It was the one that unwittingly made his interlocutors be more open while communicating.
  8. They know that it is not at all necessary to voice all their thoughts. Such people know that it is not worth offending people by expressing all their thoughts, even if these thoughts are true.
  9. They do not like to procrastinate. Procrastination is an indicator that you are afraid to act. Which in turn is an indicator of your lack of effectiveness.
  10. They perform at least one act of kindness every day. They help others  without expecting anything in return.
  11. They don’t complain about failures, they learn from them. People admire those who can accept and endure failure with dignity. Successful people thank fate for a portion of life wisdom that would not have come to them had they not had to face failure.
  12. They treat their interlocutor as if they were the most important person in the world. The people most loved by others use communication as a way to get to know the whole person they are talking to, so they let them have their say.
  13. They know how to praise others sincerely, without subservience. They do not miss an opportunity to praise others, but they do so only when the praise is truly deserved. 14. They have a person whose opinion regarding their own shortcomings they listen to. Successful people do not pretend to please others. Others like them for who they really are. One of their secrets is that they are constantly working on their behavior and reputation. And having someone to point out their flaws helps them to continually continue the process of personal growth.

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