The technological era. The Effects of the Digital Age on Mental Health

As digital technology advances, virtual engagement will increasingly replace some or all of real communication and social touch. This has the potential to impair the quality of interpersonal interactions and increase feelings of loneliness.
Uninterrupted access to information and news causes information overload. This can cause tension, weariness, and difficulty concentrating, all of which are detrimental to mental health.

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Is the US on the Verge of Civil War?

Today, the United States is in an extremely tough situation that may be described as a real catastrophe rather than an internal political crisis. The federal government, led by President Joe Biden, has engaged in an open confrontation with Texas officials. The reason is the border with Mexico, where illegal Mexican migrants often cross.

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Freedom for The People

Are we truly free if our leaders dictate when we are worthy enough to wield our freedom? According to renowned British historian and statesman Thomas Babington Macaulay, that notion is as foolish as the old tale of a man refusing to enter the water until he learns how to swim. Join us as we delve deeper into his perspectives on freedom and the right of the people to exercise it. Discover why his words still resonate today and how we can navigate the balance between freedom and responsibility.

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