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4 Facts About Emotional Intimacy and its Importance for Women

Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy with a partner or friends is extremely important for women: it allows us to achieve harmony and perceive the world as a kind of miracle. But there are several other reasons why emotional intimacy is so important to us:

  • Women are naturally more emotional than men. Therefore, they need emotional contact: this is how they realize the need to receive support and attention, as well as to see the reaction of loved ones to certain experiences.
  • In a relationship with a man, a woman needs personal communication – communicating with a man face to face, a woman feels loved and needed. It is no less important for a woman to talk to her partner, to learn about his worries and fears – such behavior on the part of a man is regarded by women as a sign of trust, and therefore a manifestation of love.
  • The research of the American Psychological Association in the field of personal relationships between men and women shows that the more sensitivity and involvement in the problems of women demonstrates a man, the more stable their relationship, and the couple – happier. As a general rule, if a man has the ability to capture a woman’s emotions and empathize with her, the woman is happily married. It is important for a man to be able to respond not only to positive emotions, but also to negative emotions, such as irritation or anger, rather than ignoring them.
  • Emotional closeness means understanding and in some cases – condoning the partner even in the most eccentric actions: it is important for a woman to know that the man will not make a fight if she spends a large sum of money to buy, for example, a new dress. Friendly reaction of the partner even on not the most reasonable actions means for a woman to understand, which, in turn, leads to the creation of an atmosphere of psychological comfort in the family. By the way, most often, meeting such understanding, women respond to the partner the same, if he, for example, wants to spend the evening with friends and spend a lot of money on treats. Remember that in a relationship with your partner you should always listen to his opinion and try to understand his desires, as well as express your own.

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