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About Nuclear War

Nuclear War

Who actually needs nuclear war these days? Absolutely no one.

It is impossible to justify nuclear war by politics, international situation, or anything at all. Damage that our planet will suffer may be too serious, for example, besides the impact of radiation itself, the risk of full-scale climate change is enormous. For this reason, any rash, imprudent statements by politicians about the use of nuclear weapons should be interpreted not as an instrument of anyone’s foreign policy, but as a potential impetus to the readiness to wipe the entire world off the face of the earth. The Cuban Missile Crisis showed the futility of the nuclear approach to solving world problems. An ability to negotiate characterizes political players from a better side than a sharp confrontational approach for the sake of one’s own domination.

The issues of nuclear weapons use are a line that should not be crossed by any country. All of us remember well the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were subjected to nuclear strikes. That experience must be taken into account and, in the future, all participants in international relations must be reminded of the irreversible consequences of the use of nuclear weapons.

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