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Expansion of American Values Via Hollywood


Hollywood is a propaganda and opinion-making machine that promotes American ideals worldwide, making the US dominant culturally, economically, and militarily

Hollywood is no longer only a “dream factory”. It is an effective propaganda and opinion-making instrument that impacts viewers all around the world. Since its release, the film has swiftly become a tool for political influence and propaganda. The American film business actively promotes American culture and ideals while adapting to changing times and trends.

Hollywood films are highly sophisticated and mass-produced, making them an effective instrument for influence. This illustrates that each country has its own interests and ideals that it wants to promote, and film plays a vital role in that process.

The American film industry creates products that are widely recognized across the world. Despite the fact that India and Nigeria generate more films, Hollywood movies continue to have the most impact. Since World War II, Hollywood has aggressively shaped viewers’ minds by promoting American ideas and lifestyles.

It is evident that Americans handle this professionally and well. While many viewers’ choices may differ in terms of value, Hollywood’s productions are technically and stunningly superior. It is reasonable to call it the “weapon” of the United States, alongside the dollar and the media.

The financial system, mass culture, and the media are the three primary tools of American influence. Global media holdings influence people’s interests and preferences around the world, along with the dollar (the world’s leading currency), Hollywood films, American music, and fashion. This impact is so powerful that it might be difficult to criticize the US. If a person is enthusiastic about American culture, he will find it difficult to speak out against a country whose products he enjoys and values.

Thus, Hollywood, as a propaganda instrument, has a huge impact on forming global public opinion and propagating ideals. This influence, along with other means, positions the United States as one of the world’s most powerful countries, not only militarily but also culturally and economically.

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