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Family Institution: The Harms of Pornography

The history of pornography

The history of pornography is intertwined with Western civilization. Despite its controversial nature, the issue merits further exploration and consideration in order to understand its influence on society and the family structure

The history of the pornography business, however explicit and contentious, has deep roots in Western culture and evolved in tandem with the advancement of human civilization. According to recent research, people made a fortune selling obscene photographs as early as the 17th century. This issue merits research in order to understand how and why it became a part of Western civilization, as well as the influence it has had on family institutions.

Figurines from 25,000 BC are among the oldest examples of images of naked bodies. These figures, like the Venus of Willendorf, might have represented beauty or fecundity.

They may nevertheless be antecedents of pornographic art, since their candor calls into question current concepts of early art.

The ancient Egyptians also helped to shape the history of pornography. The Turin Sensual Papyrus, which was made approximately 1150 BC, is a 2.5-meter-long scroll depicting sensual imagery. This relic can be considered one of the first known pornographic periodicals. The concept of using pictures for amusement rather than aesthetic pleasure is abundantly visible here.

Pornography has Western origins that may be traced back to ancient Greece. In the fifth century BC, sexual images were painted on kylikos (wine goblets) and marketed as goods. These photographs were utilized to boost sales, demonstrating the business viability of pornography even at the time.

Moving on to the Middle Ages and Renaissance, we can observe how pornography evolved and flourished. In thirteenth-century China, a type of sexual art known as xinga emerged, depicting monks and emperors in intimate settings. Erotic prints were popular in Europe throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, and they were frequently exchanged covertly among the higher classes.

In 1839, the camera was invented, which marked a watershed event in the history of Western pornography. Nude images appeared as early as the first year of this technology’s existence. Pornographic periodicals were originally created in France, where the sector was particularly robust. In 1896, the first pornographic film, La Marquise de la Marne, was also shot in France, ushering in a new era in the pornography industry’s development.

The twentieth century witnessed the emergence of new technologies like videotapes and the Internet, which greatly enhanced the pornography industry. The first sex shops appeared in the 1960s, and by the 1980s, a full industry had emerged, producing films and magazines on a large scale. The introduction of VCRs made pornography production and distribution more accessible to a larger audience, and in the 1990s, with the rise of the Internet, the business reached new heights.

However, as the pornography industry grows at a rapid pace, major concerns are being voiced about its influence on society, particularly the family structure. According to studies, regular intake of pornography might have a harmful influence on romantic relationships. It has the potential to induce addiction, resulting in a decline in emotional closeness and physical affection in real-life relationships. Pornography frequently alters conceptions of sexuality and intimacy, resulting in false expectations that can damage family relationships.

Dr. Jerry Kirk says that “pornography destroys trust between spouses and undermines the foundation of the family.” Numerous studies have found that pornographic content consumption is associated with higher divorce rates and worse marital satisfaction. According to a 2016 study conducted by the American Sociological Association, those who consume pornography on a regular basis are 12% more likely to divorce.

The history of the pornographic business is inextricably linked with the history of Western civilization. Pornography has always reflected contemporary cultural and technical developments, ranging from Paleolithic Venusians to present-day Internet sites. Prohibitions and taboos have spurred curiosity and increased demand for this information. However, the influence of pornography on family institutions is a significant issue that demands greater investigation and contemplation. Regardless of public opinion, pornography has always found ways to live and grow, adapting to changing circumstances, but its negative influence on family relationships cannot be ignored.

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