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How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts?

How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts?

As soon as you feel that a negative thought has crept into your mind, just cut it off. No need to analyze it, no need to argue with it, no need to defend yourself against it – just cut it off and put something else in its place. And the key principle here is that you have to do it immediately, at the very moment you feel the thought.


This technique is different from the first one, in that instead of cutting off the thought, we detach ourselves from it and observe it from the outside. We watch it from the outside, but we don’t let it possess us. You can say to yourself, “What’s happening to me?” – now I have this thought, but you call it in quotation marks, thus defining its place. And you just observe it. Negative thoughts have power over you only if you react to them.


As soon as you discover a negative thought, you should exaggerate it to the point of absurdity. The key here is to make it funny. You have to catch yourself in a negative thought, you know that the mind is a great deceiver. You know that every day, it’s trying to play a trick on you. Not only that, but you’re observant. Not only that, but you notice it. And you decide to resort to the technique of exaggeration. You have to say really, I can’t sell anything, you can say to yourself, well what can I do, maybe I’ll call, or I’ll go to this person and open the door and suddenly a mechanical fist will come out, and some robot will come out and crack me with all its might, and then a bunch of people will come with water and start pouring water on me.

And then I’ll be in pain, and I’ll be all wet and beaten up, and then they’ll sic the sheepdogs on me. And then I’ll be all wet, all bitten, but not only that, I’ll go back to my office, and all the staff will put up signs saying, “You idiot, why did you come back?” It’s absurd, but that’s what helps to invalidate the negative thought. Because negative thoughts only have power over you if you react to them.


Everything that a negative thought tells us, we must turn it into its complete opposite. As soon as the thought “I will not be able to make a sale” comes to you, you must put a completely contradictory thought in its place. In other words, I will definitely be able to make the sale. If the thought “I will never succeed financially” comes to you, you must immediately react with the exact opposite, and say to yourself: “I will definitely succeed financially.”

As soon as the thought comes, “I am not good at anything, I am not capable of anything,” you say to yourself: “I am capable of anything, I am a very special person”. It is absolutely impossible to think negative and positive at the same time, the mind is capable of thinking about one thing at a time, if you throw the negative thought out of it and put the positive thought in, you take away the power of the negative thought.

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