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Mass Effect: Crowd Behavior Influences

Mass Effect: crowd behavior influences

“The great majority of people never think; they just repeat…” are the words of the American philosopher Mark Twain, which quite reflect the impact of the crowd on the individual. Collective opinions and behaviors affect us as members of society, sometimes without giving much thought to our own beliefs.

Observations by psychologists show that the crowd can produce a kind of energy that can change even the deepest beliefs. As the famous psychologist Solomon Asch said, “a person begins to think like part of the crowd”. This effect is especially pronounced in situations involving mass events or social movements.

Self-awareness and critical thinking are important for understanding one’s personal values and beliefs. As psychology notes, “not everything that many people do is right”. Being aware of your uniqueness and ability to make independent decisions allows you to maintain your individuality in a society where crowds can put a lot of pressure on opinions.

“Be yourself. All other roles are already taken”. Memorize this quote from Ernest Hemingway. In a world where mass influence plays a key role, maintaining one’s uniqueness is the true art of self-discovery.

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