10 Rules for Self-Development

Drop Everything You are Currently Doing

School, university, work. At school and university go only to those classes that are interesting to you.

Clear Your Head of Unnecessary Garbage

Harmful habits, wasting time, stress, any silly fancies and problems. Take them and forget about them. You need a bright head for new accomplishments.

Engage in Self-Education

Read books about business and those that you like. Visit all kinds of exhibitions, strange crazy places, travel, take up new sports, be well-rounded – it will help you a lot in business.

Be Passionate About Everything

Develop your leadership character, logic, business IQ, ability to communicate with people, practice gestures and facial expressions, manipulation, public speaking skills.

Get Involved in Something Spiritual

At least church, at least meditation, at least yoga, at least esoteric. Anything, but you must feel people, and for this you need to feel yourself, because businessmen are very spiritual people.

Businessmen See Through People

Can bring the crowd in amazement. They know human psychology better than any psychologist. Of course, this does not apply to all businessmen, we are talking about those who have achieved a lot. And that’s something you have to work at for years. Work on it.

Love Money

And they will love you. Notice – the poor say they have no money and generally try to avoid the subject, while the rich love to talk about money, that they have a lot of it, and they know how to make even more.


Visualize the goal, and more importantly, how you will achieve it. Visualize your path to achieving the goal step by step. And at the end, when you have reached your goal – visualize those feelings. These emotions will give you hope.

Don’t Listen to Loser People Who Say “it Won’t Work Out”

They are losers and will remain losers. Listen only to yourself and mentors. 10. Take Action. Even the smallest step is a movement forward. Everything comes with experience, and having started today with a small step, you will soon look back and wonder about the past.