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The technological era. The Effects of the Digital Age on Mental Health


We create technology, and then technology creates us ‘— these comments by Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan illustrate the intricate relationship between the digital age and mental health.

As digital technology advances, virtual engagement will increasingly replace some or all of real communication and social touch. This has the potential to impair the quality of interpersonal interactions and increase feelings of loneliness.
Uninterrupted access to information and news causes information overload. This can cause tension, weariness, and difficulty concentrating, all of which are detrimental to mental health.

Social media, which has become an essential aspect of life, can have an effect on self-esteem. Comparing one’s life to idealized representations on social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and sadness.

Sleep quality suffers when people spend too much time in front of their device screens. Blue light from screens can reduce melatonin production, making it difficult to fall asleep and potentially leading to dreaming difficulties.

At the same time, technology opens up new possibilities for psychotherapy and mental health care. Online counseling and meditation apps are becoming more accessible to individuals seeking help.

It is critical to gain digital literacy and strike a balance in the use of technology. Being attentive and careful with digital resources enhances mental health in this age of technology.

Being actively conscious of the digital age’s impact on mental health aids in the development of solutions for maintaining balance and harmony in today’s technological world.

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