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Ways to Learn to Trust People

Ways to Learn to Trust People

Confidence is one of the key components of any interpersonal relationship. It provides us with a sense of security, confidence and comfort in our interactions with others. Nevertheless, it can become the cause of serious mistakes and disappointments if we do not know how to correctly assess the surrounding people and their actions.

According to psychologists, there are various types of trust, each of which has its own peculiarities and mechanisms of formation:

  1. Situational trust is trust that arises in a specific situation and is based on the experience of communication with a person or assessment of his actions. This kind of trust can be either positive or negative, and depends on how well we know a person and how much he deserves our trust.
  2. Sustainable trust is a long-term based on long experience of communicating and interacting with a person. It is formed gradually and takes time to develop. Might be more reliable and stable than a situational trust, but can also lead to mistakes if the person does not live up to our expectations.
  3. Rational trust is the kind based on logical arguments and facts. It can be useful in some situations when we want to make a decision based on objective data rather than emotions or personal experience.

The process of trust formation and development involves various psychological mechanisms:

A) Attraction – a process based on sympathy, respect, common interests that promotes the formation of trust.

B) Identification – a mechanism that allows a person to perceive another as an extension of oneself, reinforcing trust.

Confidence plays a key role in the formation and development of any relationship. Improving trust skills and being able to recognize its manifestations in others will help create strong and harmonious bonds based on mutual respect and support.

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